Welcome to Confluent Cloud! We’re so glad you’re here. To get you started on your journey to set your data in motion, we’ve compiled resources designed to ensure you and your teams are equipped with the tools and knowledge you need to be successful.
To kick things off, the welcome video below provides an overview of what you can expect in your early days as a new Confluent Cloud customer.
Download Slides: Welcome to Confluent
Considerations when Starting with Confluent Cloud
As you get started with Confluent Cloud, there are many considerations you and your team should be thinking about to be successful. The following video and accompanying checklist are designed to help you address your project requirements properly. The checklist is intended to be a ‘print out and use’ utility which allows you to plan for your upcoming Confluent project by asking and answering the right questions from the start. As you review each item, frame it with the question ‘Have we thought about …’
Download: Considerations for Getting Started Checklist
Download Slides: Considerations when starting with Confluent Cloud
Useful Resources & Documentation
Whether you are completely new to the world of Event Streaming and Confluent Cloud, or if you are a seasoned veteran in Apache Kafka making the jump to Confluent Cloud, these resources should prove invaluable.
Webinars, Workshops, & Training:
We’ve curated a series of Free, Solution Engineer-led sessions to walk you through key milestones to successfully deploy Confluent Cloud in production. Register to attend an individual session, or the entire 5-part series here.
If you prefer a hands-on learning experience designed to set your data in motion, we also offer virtual workshops, both live and on-demand. Live workshops take place on a rolling basis, so if you aren’t able to register for a live session, check back later to see if more dates have been added.
Access the Confluent Developer Portal for free training and enablement. This newly revamped portal is jam-packed with everything you and your team need to get started with Kafka to thrive in the new world of data in motion!
Confluent Cloud Resources:
- Confluent Cloud Status Page: An overall status page for the Confluent Cloud systems. If there is a region wide issue, or a system wide issue, we will report it through this page. Please sign up for notifications. If there is an issue that will affect your specific cluster, then a support case will be opened with information regarding the issue
- Confluent Cloud CLI: To get started, you'll first need to download the CCloud CLI from here. Note: you'll first need to ensure that you have Java installed
- Confluent Cloud Demo: Showcases Hybrid Kafka Clusters from Self-Hosted to Confluent Cloud
- Confluent Cloud Documentation: Find guides, samples, and references written for a technical audience
- Connect the Confluent Platform components to Confluent Cloud
- Confluent Cloud Support Articles: Advice on troubleshooting common errors and how-to guidance
- White Paper: Best Practices for Developing Apache Kafka Applications on Confluent Cloud